Friday 29 May 2009

Wirral Ladies game off

With only 4 players definitely available we have had to call off our last League game scheduled for this Saturday. The points will be awarded to Wirral Ladies.

Can all girls please confirm their availability for the Presidents Cup Final with Mike on 07901552261 asap or use the poll on the right.

Directions to the Solly Recreation Ground in Woodchurch will be put here soon, but as posted earlier, the car park is right next to junction 3 of the M53.

This is a very important game for us and we would like a full turnout. All girls will be expected to wear full kit including black shorts and Waverton black and yellow topped socks. If any girls are missing any of this kit, please let Mike know as soon as possible as we might be able to supply a spare set. Training tops should also be brought down.

Parents, relatives, friends and supporters are encouraged to come and watch. Admission will be £1 which includes a programme.

All girls are asked to arrive by 6:45. Heather will be away in Spain but has a special message for the girls which will be read out just before the game.