Friday 5 December 2008

Ridgewood Rangers game off

We have had to call off tomorrows game against Ridgewood Rangers because the Queens Field is waterlogged. All the games on Wirral Borough Council pitches are off too.

We had hoped to have a training session instead from 9:30-10:30 at King George Field at Christleton (the field near the play area behind the pond or Pit as it known locally) but have been down to the field this afternoon (thanks Simon) and it is also far too wet. So a free Saturday to do some Christmas shopping!

Elia and Lucie are unwell so we hope to see them back on Wednesday for training at 6pm. We will also have a training session on Wednesday 17 December.

We will need to collect £10 per player to cover the cost of hiring the hall during the winter. This will cover October to March and is good value. Rather than collecting a weekly fee, it is much easier for us to collect a tenner off you to cover the whole period.