Sunday 25 May 2008

Latest News (UPDATED 12 JUNE)

Friendly v Waverton u14s - Saturday 14 June

Players to meet at Waverton at 10 am. Please bring kit and boots. Unless it rains alot before Saturday, trainers or firm ground boots (moulded studs) might be preferable as the ground is fairly hard at the moment.

The team so far is: Lucy, Olivia, Ellie R, Ellie M, Lily, Cara, Rachel and Keira.

Umbro Soccer Sixes Tournament - Sunday 22 June

We are taking part in the Poynton Umbro Soccer Sixes tournament on Sunday 22 June and we have a full turnout of 9 players which is the maximum we are allowed to register. The squad is:

D'arcy, Gabi, Ellie M, Ellie R, Lily, Keira, Olivia, Cara and Rachel.

This will be an all day event and we will need to leave the Waverton area by about 8am. The tournament games will kick off at 10am but we need to register players etc well beforehand.

Mike will give out more information on the tournament on Saturday at the friendly game.

We will need help to get the girls to and from the tournament. We have had one offer of help with transport. If any other parents are able to help, please let Mike know.

The Umbro Soccer Sixes trophy - can we win it?

Social Event - Friday 4 July

Provisionally we shall be going for bowling and a pizza in Chester on Friday 4 July. Please let Mike or Simon know if you can come.

Waverton Carnival - Saturday 5 July

Medal presentation for the players will take place at the Carnival on Saturday 5 July. As soon as we know a time, we'll let you know. Remember, free entry for all players who are wearing their AFC Waverton shirts!